Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello all, and welcome.

         This is my new project. After disdainful neglect of my blog, i have decided to reinvigorate my passion for photography through it. For all 3 of you who were aware of my blog previously, welcome back, and to those who are new to my journey, welcome. 2014 is going to be a year of progress, and reward. A little background, however, is needed. I am young, from Los Angeles, with a nearly psychotic penchant for anything with an internal combustion engine, excluding the Prius, and an indescribable love for driving. Starting nearly 6 years ago on a Rebel XTi, I have shot and progressed into what I am now; an amateur. Being borne into non-enthusiast parents, i have no idea how i came to like cars. I was probably born in a ward with a particularly high petroleum concentration in its water, or i shot out of the womb in a spectacularly sideways and smoky fashion. Thankfully, some credibility (and sanity) can be given to my blog because I will be on my schools yearbook staff. I promise to give my viewers the best content that I can produce, and the best stories I can formulate through a partitioned, still photography standpoint. You can expect regular coverage of all the 2014 Just Drift and Top Drift events, with the exception of the first drift clinic, which i shot minimally at. I may also cover Thunder on the Lot, and Los Angeles Formula Drift events from a spectator standpoint.
         This year I am emerging from the off-season with new equipment that brings a new world of possibilities for large print and internet media, and well used, but excellent, tripod and Rode video mic for the occcasional video (which i will link here). Enter the 70D, a 20.2 MP Japanese weapon capable of producing sharp images and quick burst rates. Its no 1DX but it is abolutley adequate for my level of skill. All images below are shot by it with a Canon 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III. Sometimes I will shoot with a Canon EFS 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 for closer shots (sharpness is disappointing however), and a recently acquired a 50mm f/1.8 II.  Expect this to be the staple of the quality to expect from my work.


Cheers to 2014, and thank you (all 3 of you) to those who are following my story from the start. You have my personal gratitiude. Heres to another 6 years of Christopher Antonio Rosales (C.A.R.) Photography.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pics and writing chris. this is gonna be one of my weekly things to keep and eye on well done sir !!! :)
